Northumberlnd, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When searching for the population and steets of Northumberlnd, you will be interested in knowing the details of this place. In this article, we will review the various aspects of this place. You will learn the latest statistics and other useful information. Moreover, you will find the address of each community, including the address of the nearest city or town. For further information, contact the local government.

The median age of residents in Northumberland, PA is 39.8. The proportion of native born residents is 64%. In terms of ethnicity, 97.6% of people are White (non-Hispanic) and 109 are Black or African American (Hispanic). Only 6.2% of Northumberland, PA residents are hispanic. The area has a population of about 3.66k people.

Several Northumberland settlements have a population development. Clicking on an icon provides further details about the selected place. Further information may include age, gender, country of birth, ethnic group, and religion. Various statistics are based on output areas, which include parts of the country that are not built. In Northumberland, the area that is actually built is referred to as the tabulated area.

There are several different kinds of dwellings in Northumberland. Many are located in the southern part of the County, where they are surrounded by the Tyne and Wear conurbation. However, some parts of Northumberland are a part of the countryside, and therefore, have a close relationship with the Scottish Borders and Edinburgh. The north and west areas of the County are primarily connected to Carlisle.