Newton Hamilton, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This page provides information on the population and styes of the city of Newton Hamilton, Pennsylvania. This data is based on recalculated census block data and the latest available U.S. Census Bureau figures. The poverty rate for this city is 2.8% and the child poverty rate is 8.0%. Approximately 55.9% of Newton Hamilton residents are employed. Compared to the national average of 47.8%, the rate of poverty is lower in this city.

The following table shows the population and styes of Newton Hamilton, PA. The information can be useful for travel purposes. It is possible to search for flights to nearby cities. The list below includes airports near Newton Hamilton, PA. For a more precise estimate, enter the zip code of Newton Hamilton, PA. You can also choose a city up to four hours away. If you are looking for a place close to Newton Hamilton, PA, you can choose the nearest major city.

The population of Newton Hamilton City is quite diverse. Twenty-four percent of the population is younger than eighteen years, while thirty-four percent of households are older than eighteen. The majority of households are married; sixty-six percent are married couples. One percent of households contains a female without her husband. The remaining one-fifth of households are non-families. Eighteen percent of households are comprised of elderly people.