New Bloomfld, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets of New Bloomfield, MO are shown below. The graph compares the number of workers driving alone to work with the percentage of workers who commute by other means. This chart shows the percentage of households using different modes of transportation in New Bloomfield, MO over time. The y-axis is plotted on a logarithmic scale to account for variations in smaller means of commuting. The chart also shows the percentage of households that have two or more cars.

In 2019, the median property value in New Bloomfld was $106,900. This was 0.444 times lower than the national average. The homeownership rate was 66.1%. People who lived in New Bloomfield, MO commuted 22 minutes each way to work. There are approximately 536 residents per square mile. The median household income is $40,000.

The city is governed by a Mayor and four Aldermen. The Mayor is elected every even-numbered year, while the other two Aldermen are elected on odd-numbered years. The Board of Alderman adopts all city ordinances and determines the general goals and policies of the city. New Bloomfield incorporated in July 1962 and became a city on Sept. 9, 1977. By this time, asphalt streets were installed and street lights were added.

The median age of people in the city is 34.2 years. Twenty-one percent of households are made up of families, while 14.3% are single adults. Another 15.2% of households is headed by a female without a husband. Finally, thirty-one percent of the city is made up of non-families, and one percent of households has someone aged 65 or older living alone. The average household size is 2.53 and the median family size is three.