Mount Pocono, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for some general statistics about Mount Pocono City, Pennsylvania, you've come to the right place. Here you'll find information on the population of Mount Pocono City, Pennsylvania and surrounding areas. While English is the main language spoken in Mount Pocono, other important languages are Spanish, German, and Yiddish. You can also find out how many people live in Mount Pocono by reading our detailed population profile.

Mount Pocono is a borough in Monroe County, Pennsylvania. As of the 2010 census, the city's population was 3,170. It is a center for local highway traffic and sees a large amount of tourist activity in the area. The city is 95 years old and has a population of 3,170. You can check out the current population and see how much it has changed since the first census was taken in 1926.

Compared to other cities in the region, Mount Pocono's population is primarily white. Its population is also comprised mostly of middle-aged people, with a small percentage of singles. Compared to other areas, Mount Pocono's population has a large percentage of vacancies. If you're looking for a new home in Mount Pocono, the following statistics may interest you.

The population of Mt Pocono is composed of whites, Hispanics, and two-thirds of the population. A recent study found that 15% of the population was Hispanic. If you want to find a more specific audience for your local advertising, you should consider the income level of the households living in Mount Pocono. The median household income is $46,567 and the average income is $57,868. Additionally, 81% of residents are high school graduates, while 45% dropped out of college.