Mount Pleasant Mills, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the population & steets of Mount Pleasant Mills City, PA? What are the most common racial and ethnic groups in Mount Pleasant Mills? Read this article to learn more. There are 342 residents in Mount Pleasant Mills city. The city is part of Snyder County, Pennsylvania. The area code for Mount Pleasant Mills is 570. The area's median income is $56,400, making it one of the lower middle class.

The following are the major cities and towns closest to Mount Pleasant Mills, PA. These cities are also useful for planning a trip or exploring the surrounding areas. Listed below are cities and towns within 100 miles of Mount Pleasant Mills, PA. Once you've accessed this information, you can then find out where you can fly to get to the nearest airport. You can also use the list below to find out how far other cities are from Mount Pleasant Mills, PA.

The median age of all Mount Pleasant Mills, PA residents was 42.1%. This was lower than the national average of 64.1%, but higher than the rates in neighboring communities, Highspire and Mifflintown. In 2019, eighteen percent of the population drove alone to work, while six percent carpooled. At that income level, a person is considered to be poor if they earn less than that amount.