Mount Jewett, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

To determine whether or not Mount Jewett is a safe city to live in, consider some basic statistics. The number of people living in Mount Jewett city is low, and there are relatively few crime-ridden areas. The city is located near the airport and has many parks and recreation areas, making crime rates there lower than elsewhere in the state. This information was compiled from the American Community Survey, which was conducted in 2020. This data is updated yearly, as new data becomes available, but should not be relied on as a guarantee of accuracy.

In Mount Jewett city, about 1,000 people live in 1,054 housing units. This is far lower than the national average. Only 21% of residents are younger than age 25. About 83% of Mount Jewett residents own their homes, making it a safe and affordable place to live. The median gross monthly rent is $652. Nearly 73% of Mount Jewett residents have broadband internet. This is lower than the state average.

The population of Mount Jewett city is diverse. Twenty-one percent of residents are under the age of eighteen. Twenty-seven percent of residents are between 25 and 44. Twenty-four percent are between 45 and 64, and twelve percent are 65 and older. The median age of the residents was 34. Males outnumbered females by a ratio of ninety-one males to one female over age 18.