Morrisdale, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for the Population & Steets in Morrisdal City, PA? If so, you have come to the right place. This article contains detailed information about this city. You can read about the demographics of Morrisdal, PA, and even get a feel for the overall vibe of the neighborhood. The population is fairly mixed, with a variety of ethnicities and races. If you are looking for the exact numbers of people living in Morrisdale, PA, you will need to take a look at the maps.

Crime rate maps show the most dangerous and safest areas of Morrisdale City. Red areas represent areas where crime is most likely to occur. Yellow areas show areas that are moderately safe. These crime rates are weighted by type of crime, and the higher the percentage, the safer a city is. Morrisdale is in the 77th percentile for crime, with 23% of nearby cities being safer than Morrisdale and 77% of them being more dangerous. The Crime Grade analysis only covers the city boundaries, and does not include the actual population of residents.

The ZIP Code for Morrisdale City is 16858. The population of Morrisdale is based on the USPS' default designation. This is the name that the city has been given. The postal code is a unique number, and is used to identify its residents. The population of Morrisdale is listed in 2010 and 2020, and the ZIP+4 code is used for postal deliveries. You can find the school address and state in this page.