Moosic, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This report is based on the most recent US Census data, and shows that 99.8% of people in Moosic, PA, are US citizens. That rate is higher than the national average of 93.4%, and is expected to continue increasing. The most common occupations for residents of Moosic, PA, are Management Occupations, Office & Administrative Support Occupations, and Sales & Related Occupations.

The median property value in Moosic, PA is $166,000, which is $0.69 times smaller than the national average. In addition, the homeownership rate in Moosic, PA is 70.5%, which is higher than the national average. The median commute time is 20.7 minutes, and the median car ownership is the same as the national average at two cars per household. For all three factors, Moosic, PA has a low poverty rate and is considered a moderately prosperous city.

The median household income in Moosic, PA is $55,957. Approximately 5.718 people live in Moosic. The median household income in the city is $51,250. The poverty rate is 2.24%. For the last decade, the median household income in Moosic, PA is lower than the national average. However, there is still a large opportunity for people to make money in Moosic, PA.

In Moosic City, there are around 7620 residents. A quarter of these residents are renters. In contrast, the other half of the population lives in houses. In Moosic City, the median home value is $148,700, which is slightly higher than the national average, but lower than nearby ZIP codes. Rent for a two-bedroom home is around $500-$749 per month, including utilities.