Mingoville, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Mingoville, PA is composed of 580 White residents, 0 Black or African American residents, and 0% Native Americans. The percentage of people who are below the poverty line is very low in this small city. There are seven different races represented in Mingoville, with the largest number of people belonging to the racial group of White. The most common foreign birthplace is India, while the second most common is the Dominican Republic. There are 64701 foreign-born residents in the area.

The population of Mingoville is comprised primarily of young adults looking to settle down and start a family. The median age of residents is 34, and a typical family includes 2.9 people. The area's low population density translates into a low population diversity - Mingoville is ranked eighty-fourth out of all the cities in Pennsylvania. However, a low birth rate and a low demand for basic services are two major factors contributing to the decline in population.

The median property value of Mingoville is $199,500, which is $0.83 times the national average. While the city is a small community, the homeownership rate in this area is very high, at 83.7%, which is significantly higher than the national average of 64.1%. The area's median property value equals the national average of two cars per household. Further, residents of Mingoville, PA drive alone to work, resulting in an average commute time of twenty-four minutes.