Mill Run, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are wondering where to find the population and steets for Mill Run City, PA, then you are in the right place. Below you'll find a list of important statistics compiled by the US Census Bureau. The township has a population of 57,086 residents, and you can even use the quickFacts tool to find out who lives in the town.

The population of the neighborhood is comprised of people of a variety of backgrounds. While the majority of its residents are white and English, those of Slovak, Italian, South American, and English ancestry also make up a significant percentage. However, there are no official statistics on the number of immigrants living in the area. The most common ethnicity of the residents is Italian, followed by English and South American.

The percentage of people in the neighborhood who did not finish high school or do not have college degrees is lower than the national average. This is indicative of the low education level of the area. For example, about 14% of the population does not have a four-year degree. The average college degree is 3.8 years, so those with an education level of less than four years should be cautious about moving into this area.

After the Civil War, the town was settled by the local military. The town's population grew to about 7,000 in the 1950s. The town's old Carnegie Library was replaced by an award-winning new one. The new library was dedicated on September 18, 1966. This city's richness and attitude changed in the 1970s. The city also welcomed Beat poets such as Gary Snyder. Today, the town's adobe house is owned by the Marin County Open Space District.