Mentcle, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Menccle City include the number of people who live in the city and how old the residents are. The city has 155 people in total, with 72 males and 83 females. The median age is 36.5, with 857 births and 895 deaths per year. The race breakdown in Menccle is N/A. Overall, the city is composed of 155 people of various races.

The nearby towns and cities are not far from Mentcle, PA. In fact, there are 411 places within 100 kilometers of this town, and one of them is Jewtown, PA. You can find other nearby towns and cities by using the distance calculator below. You can also find flights from Menccle to the cities closest to it. These are just a few options! Once you have found a place to call home, you can take advantage of a list of nearby airports and cities!

The ZIP code for Mentcle is 15761. The town is located in Indiana County and is composed of thirty frame houses built by the Bethlehem Steel Company. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, men worked in the Menccle mine. The Bethlehem Steel Company built these houses to house the miners of the mine. Now, you can see the map that shows the exact location of this town.