Mcadoo, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Mcadoo City is a diverse group. It is primarily comprised of young adults and those looking to start families. Its median age is 37 years, and a typical family consists of three members. The city ranks 625th in diversity, compared to the rest of the state and nation. However, the diversity of its residents is still a concern.

The poverty rate in Mcadoo City is 11.7%, compared to 12.0% in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania. The median gross rent in McAdoo is $684 per month. The median property value in McAdoo City is $63,100. This is lower than the national average of 67%, but higher than other nearby communities. Also, McAdoo's median home value is the same as the national average, with a median gross rent of $684.

The overall livability score of Mcadoo City is above average. This score is calculated by considering the total number of data points and weighting them to determine how much each of these factors contribute to overall happiness. The city's livability score is based on a variety of factors, including crime, education, cost of living, and overall happiness. This information helps potential residents decide if Mcadoo City is the right place for them.

The percentage of residents in McAdoo City who own a car is lower than the national average of 64.1%, but higher than the average in neighboring regions. 79.9% of workers commuted by car to work. This data is based on a survey of American Community Survey results and is updated as soon as new data becomes available. It is not guaranteed to be accurate.