Maytown, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in Mayton City? Maytown, Ohio, is a city in the state of Ohio. According to the United States Bureau of the Census, the population is composed of 61.1% white residents, 12.3% black citizens, and 0.7% American Indian or Native Hawaiian. The remainder are Hispanic or other races. There are also a few ethnic groups in Maytown.

The percentage of households that live below the poverty line in Maytown is less than the national average. While the national average is 14.1%, only 12.8% of the Maytown population is living below the poverty line. The median gross rent in Maytown is $965 per month. There are no poverty levels above or below the area's median income. However, the poverty rate in Maytown is below the state average.

The population of Maytown is about four thousand and fifty-five people. There are 177 White (Hispanic) residents and 172 Two+ non-Hispanic residents. The city has a low poverty rate and is largely composed of families with one child. A median household income is $77,152. A high percentage of the residents are in their 30s and 40s. The median household income in Maytown is $77,152.

The population of Maytown, Pennsylvania is expected to be four thousand and fifty-five people by 2020. This city has a low poverty rate and is growing at a 1.32% per year. The largest industries in Maytown are Health Care & Social Assistance, Construction, Retail Trade, and Public Administration. These industries are the highest paying in Maytown, PA. If you want to learn more about this Pennsylvania city, start your research today.