Masontown, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Masontown, PA is approximately 3.33k people, with a median age of 42.1 and a median household income of $36,719 in 2019. The economy of Masontown, PA employs roughly 129 people, which makes it a fairly average place to live. In 2019, the number of people who speak a non-English language in the home decreased by 0.923%, and the percentage of households that speak a foreign language was nearly 0%.

The number of households in Masontown, PA varies significantly. The median number of households owning two cars is the highest in the city, followed by false. The percentage of households that have health insurance is also very high, with 94.1% of residents on employer-provided plans and 23.2% on Medicaid. Another 15.7% of households have individual health insurance coverage. Finally, there are approximately 2.37% of residents who are military or VA workers.

While the population of Masontown City is fairly diverse, it is largely white. The city is made up of several ethnic groups, with about half of the population being of German descent. Those with European ancestry are the majority in Masontown. The most common languages spoken in the city are English, Polish, German, and Yiddish. The population of Masontown City is also relatively young, with approximately 2,585 residents of voting age.

The poverty rate is lower than that of other areas, with 28.1% of households unable to afford rental housing. However, the city's rent burden is lower than other cities in Pennsylvania, including Marianna, Mount Pleasant, and Carmichaels. However, residents of Masontown are not as fortunate as their neighbors, as the median gross rent for Masontown, PA is $579. If you're looking to rent a home in Masontown, consider this in 2006.