Manns Choice, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

How do you rate the Population & Steets in Mann's Choice? Here's some data to help you figure it out. Manns Choice ranks among 1,761 incorporated cities and towns in Pennsylvania. This city is about average for its size. The percentage of home ownership in Manns Choice is about 64.1%, and is higher than its neighboring geographies. Also, people who live in Mann's Choice have shorter commute times than workers in other parts of the United States. Only 2.52% of its adult population is considered super commuters.

According to the most recent data, 16.2% of Manns Choice residents live below the federal poverty line. This rate includes children and the elderly. However, this number does not account for children below the age of five. Likewise, only 4.2% of Manns Choice's residents work for the federal government. Overall, the population of Manns Choice is well educated, with 68.8% of households having at least some college education.

The median property value in Manns Choice, PA is $104,900. This is higher than the national average. There are 182 residents in the city. The median property value in Manns Choice is $104,900, and the homeownership rate is 72.3%. Most residents commute alone and drive their cars. The median household owns two cars. The median household income in Manns Choice, PA is $41,932.