Mahaffey, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets of Mahaffey City, Pennsylvania? A quick look at the Census Bureau's poverty level will give you an idea of how many people live in poverty. As of 2019, there were 192 days with temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. The area's average annual precipitation was 42.8 inches, with 15.9% of the year's total rainfall falling in the form of snow. The median household income for Mahaffey is $26,648.

Another useful resource is the Census. This information can help you figure out the number of renter-occupied housing units in Mahaffey City. It can also help you determine the number of nearby cities. For example, a quick search will reveal that the city of Wilcox has 18 renter-occupied units while Ashville has 20 households. And as of 2016, there were 0 evictions in Mahaffey City.

The United States Census Bureau also published estimates of the median household income in Mahaffey, Pennsylvania in 2019. This information was based on the most recent available statistics. The area's median house value was $42,500, significantly below the state average. The city also has a very low percentage of minority populations and no other airmen. However, its aging population makes it an attractive place to live. There are several other economic factors to consider in Mahaffey, PA.

Historical earthquake activity in Mahaffey, PA is higher than the state average but is still much lower than the national average. For example, the city's earliest sunrise was at 6:31 am, while its latest sunset was at 2:00 PM. The last major natural disaster that affected the area was Hurricane Sandy on September 8, 2012.