Madisonburg, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in finding out the Population & Steets of Madisonburg City, Pennsylvania, you've come to the right place. This interactive map will give you the latest statistics on this area. View the population density and raw head counts for this area. See where the Madisonburg population is concentrated. You can also explore the city's ethnic composition to learn more about the local culture and traditions.

The population of Madisonburg is made up of a mix of young adults, families, and older residents. Of these, the median age is 34 years old. There are 223 families per square mile, with each household having at least one person. The median age of households in Madisonburg is lower than the U.S. and Pennsylvania averages, but the city is still filled with people of all ages.

The overall cost of living in Madisonburg City is lower than the national average and many cities in the state. While the city is still comparatively small, the cost of utilities, groceries, transportation, health care, and miscellaneous goods and services are lower than the national average. You may also find it cheaper to buy cars, gas, and insurance than in other parts of the country. In Madisonburg, you can expect to pay less for these essentials.

The median household income in Madisonburg, PA is $37,750, a number comparable to the national average of $65,712. There are no families living below the poverty line in Madisonburg, PA, and only a small percentage of the population is below that level. If you're wondering how much money you can afford to spend on food, clothing, and other necessities, the city's statistics are available on its website.