Lumberville, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Lumberville is 44, with 61% females and 39% males. The median age is 50. Approximately 79% of the people in Lumberville are married and have children, while 29% are unmarried and have not gone to college. The average household size is 2.59, and there are no single-parent households. The median home value is $1074,111.

The most basic data for Lumberville City is available from the U.S. Bureau of Census. ACS values are derived from a five-year data set and are updated annually. Unemployment and job counts are provided by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development, as well as the American Community Survey. Aside from these, the Census Bureau also publishes statistics on crime and school enrollment.

The land in Lambertville was originally part of a 150,000-acre tract north of Trenton. The council of West Jersey purchased the land for $700 and subdivided it for farmers and developers. The town grew from four houses during the Revolutionary War to over one hundred by 1849. The population reached an all-time high of 4,660 people in 1920. Today, the population is just over 4,000. The flood of 1903 was particularly devastating to the area. The covered bridge was washed away, resulting in an extensive property loss. The iron bridge was eventually built in its place.