Lincoln University, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Lincoln University, Pennsylvania is currently 1.83k, a slight decrease from the previous year. In terms of ethnicity, 97.4% of the city's population are U.S. citizens, while 3.11% are foreign-born. While the majority of the population is White (Non-Hispanic), the city is composed of an even mix of races and backgrounds. The percentage of Black or African American residents is high at 68.4%, followed by Non-Hispanic Whites (Non-Hispanic), and Two+ Asian (Non-Hispanic). The median household income in Lincoln University, PA is N/A, and the city is made up of approximately 1,800 residents.

The median age of the Lincoln University, PA population is 20 years old, with most residents being native citizens, with the remainder being foreign-born. The most common foreign-born country is India, with 89.459 residents being born in this country. China and the Dominican Republic also account for a significant portion of residents in this city. Their numbers may surprise you, but they're still significant.

According to the US Census Bureau, the average household income in Lincoln University, PA is N/A. The median family income in Lincoln University, PA is $55,712 - a small increase from the national average of $65,730. The top three occupations in Lincoln University, PA include Educational Services, Accommodation & Food Services, and Retail Trade. This city has a total population of 1.09k people, and the majority of these workers are employed in the Educational, Administrative, and Retail trade industries.