Leetsdale, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below are the Population & Steets in Leesdale City, Pennsylvania. This data is provided by the USPS and includes default name for cities. The population of Leetsdale is estimated at 4,599 in 2020. The city is located in Allegheny County. For more detailed information, you can visit the Leetsdale city page. Below, you will find the population, schools, and other important data for this community.

The median home value in Leetsdale, PA is $85,500, 0.356 times smaller than the national average. The median household income is $57,900, which is slightly higher than the national average. Leetsdale's homeownership rate is 63.4%, which is slightly below the national average of 64.1%. In 2019, nearly seventy percent of the Leetsdale population drove alone to work. Another noteworthy fact is that five percent of workers carpooled to work.

The Leetsdale city poverty rate is 7.8%, which is slightly higher than the state's average. The city is home to 289 children, with 148 males and 141 females under the age of 20. The population is made up of 969 people, which is lower than the national average. It is important to note that the population is constantly changing, but these figures will provide you with important data on the community's current state of affairs.

In addition to poverty rates, Leetsdale is proud to be a Banner Community. To become a Banner Community, a municipality must promote sustainable governing practices, implement the goals of its municipal comprehensive plan, and participate in the Allegheny League of Municipalities' Wage & Salary Survey Program. In addition to Leetsdale, Sewickley and Edgeworth have received the designation for five consecutive years.