Laurel Run, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the population of Laurel Run? This article will give you some details on the city's demographics. Its current population is 5,825 people, with 270 commuters by car and 62 taking public transportation. The following tables will provide you with some statistics on Laurel Run. These figures may not be accurate, but they are a good general idea of the city.

The median household income in Laurel Run is $40,568 per year. However, there are many factors that contribute to this number. The city's high poverty rate, for example, is indicative of a weak economy. The city is also home to several eviction cases. If the number of evictions is large, it's likely that the city's economy is not faring as well.

The median age of all residents of Laurel, MS is 37.2 years old. This figure represents the median age for both native-born and foreign-born residents. In 2018, the median age for the entire city was 37 years old. In Laurel, MS, the majority of people were white, but there were a small number of Hispanic residents. The median age of black residents is the same as the national average for both sexes.

The largest employment sectors in Laurel are Health Care & Social Assistance, Manufacturing, and Retail Trade. These three industries are responsible for nearly half of the city's employment. The median annual income in Laurel, MS is $31,968, which is less than the national median and represents a -0.97% decline in income. However, there are some important differences between subregions. The predominantly white area of Laurel is Subregion 1, which is significantly richer than the other two subregions. The city's southeast is largely poor.