Larimer, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Larimer City, CO population is reported in terms of population density per square mile. This data is provided by the U.S. Census Bureau. You can find out more about the data sources in the About Page. Also, if you are interested in other cities in the area, you can visit the list of nearby towns. These lists may be useful for exploring the area or looking for information about a specific town within 100 miles.

Larimer City is located in Larimer County, Colorado. The population of this city is 360,428. It is part of the Fort Collins, CO Metropolitan Statistical Area. The county is located in the northern end of the Front Range and is bordered by Wyoming and Boulder counties.

The city is a midsize college town. It is home to Colorado State University and the Front Range Community College. The area is well-known for its outdoor activities, such as skiing and hiking. It is also home to the Front Range Community College Larimer campus.

Larimer County is home to the Rocky Mountain National Park, one of the most popular national wilderness parks in the country. The area is also home to the Larimer County Compass. This free online publication contains a wealth of statistics on the local community.