Lake Winola, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Lake Winola City, Pennsylvania is a place where people live. The population is made up of a mixture of whites and non-whites. While the majority of people in Lake Winola are white, there are some Hispanic residents as well.

The majority of Lake Winola's citizens are American citizens. The median age is 49, and the percentage of foreign born residents is 29.6. The median property value is $200,900, and the homeownership rate is 54.7%, lower than the national average of 64.5%. Most Lake Winola residents drive alone to work, taking an average commute of 26 minutes. The average number of cars per household is two.

The population of Lake Winola is estimated to reach 20,000 people by 2020. The city is located in Wyoming County, Pennsylvania. It has an area of 1.54 square miles and a water area of 0.29 square miles. The median household income in Lake Winola is $58,676. The median home value in Lake Winola is $172,800. The city is served by a district that is higher than the state average for school performance.

Lake Winola has a low crime rate compared to surrounding communities. Crime rates are slightly higher in the west, and lower in the southeast. However, the southeast and west sides of Lake Winola have fewer retail establishments. These areas are not necessarily safer than other parts of the city, as crime happens where people are.