Kylertown, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets of Kylertown City, Pennsylvania is provided by the U.S. Census Bureau. Its U1 Census Class Code designates it as a census designated place in the country. It is located in Clearfield County and is about 5 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time. Some nearby cities include Winburne, Surveyor, Mineral Springs, Belford, and Belford Township.

The poverty rate of Kylertown is lower than in most cities in the United States. Across the United States, the poverty rate is 10-13%. Kylertown is home to approximately 272 people. Despite the low poverty rate, different surveys have shown that living conditions are worse in small towns. For this reason, the Census-designated place has a low poverty rate, but it is still an area to consider for relocation.

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