Kinzers, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Kinzers city is around 2,094 people. Of that, 442 are males and 406 are females. The median age is about 26.5. There are about six thousand births and four thousand deaths each year in Kinzers. The population of Kinzers is made up of a variety of races. The current race breakdown of the city is 2,073 of one race and 153 of another race.

The crime rate in Kinzers is based on the number of crimes committed per 1,000 residents in a year. The city's crime rate is below the Pennsylvania state and national average. Nevertheless, there are some areas that are more dangerous than others. Regardless of the area, the city of Kinzers is not necessarily safer than other nearby cities.

The population of Kinzers city is made up of both rural and suburban residents. The city is part of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. In terms of education, 166,875 children live in Kinzers. There are a few public schools and private schools in the area.

The area code of Kinzers city is 717. This is the main postal code for the city. You should use it carefully to ensure that you mail is delivered to the right place.