King Of Prussia, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in King of Prussia City, PA, are important statistics to know. The city's population is low compared to neighboring cities, with the nearest metro area being Philadelphia, PA, with a population of 1,517,550. Air quality in King of Prussia City is poor, with an index of 97.0 - slightly worse than the national average. The area is prone to tornadoes, with historic tornado activity - slightly above state average and 7% higher than the U.S. average. During a category F3 tornado, one person was killed and a large amount of damage was done.

The population of the King of Prussia city is approximately 19,936. The ZIP code for this city is 19406. According to the United States Census Bureau, the city's boundaries encompass the Schuylkill River, U.S. Route 422, and Bridgeport. Other communities within the city's boundaries include Wayne Township, King Manor, and most of Gulph Mills. As the name suggests, King of Prussia City is an edge city of Philadelphia. The city has large office and retail space located at the crossroads of four major highways.

The median property value in King of Prussia, PA is $320,800. This is more than one-third higher than the national average of $240,500. Among King of Prussia residents, 56.5% own their home and commute to work by car. In King of Prussia, PA, the median property value is $320,800, and the homeownership rate is 56.5%. The median car ownership rate in King of Prussia City, PA is two cars per household.