Jones Mills, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you curious about the Population & Steets of Jones Mills City? We have some data for you! We have compiled information for the county and city. In addition, you can see the school enrollment and other demographic information for Jones Mills City. Knowing this information can be extremely helpful when making decisions about your kids' environments and future job market. As of 2010, the county had an enrollment of 84,043 students. These students were divided into thirty-two kindergarten students and eleven-hundred and sixty-four elementary and high school students. In addition, there were 14,833 graduate or college students.

One of the things you should know about this neighborhood is that it has a higher rate of owner-occupied homes than 99.9% of neighborhoods in the United States. While this can be a negative for some, it can also be a good indicator of the stability of a neighborhood. If the homeowner-occupancy rate is high, you'll likely find it hard to find a home that's available for rent.