Jefferson Township, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in Jeffersontown Township city, Ohio: The population of Jeffersontown is 11,086. Its density is 730 people per square mile. The median age of the residents is 34.4, which is 10% less than the state average. The median household income is $77,143, which is about 1.4 times the state average. In addition, Jeffersontown's schools are rated A or B.

The municipality of Jefferson Township is located in northwest Morris County. The area is approximately a half-hour drive from New York City. Its population is home to several lake communities and a state park, Mahlon Dickerson Reservation. This park system includes over three hundred acres of near-wilderness. Its multi-use trails run through over 20 miles of the township. The park also contains the Headley Overlook, the highest point in Morris County, and the Berkshire Valley Golf Course.

Data on the population of Jefferson Township City comes from various sources. QuickFacts uses the latest five-year rebased population estimates. Census block data is also used. This allows for easy comparisons. You can view the population of Jefferson Township city and surrounding areas. There are many other sources of information about this town. You can search QuickFacts to see the estimated number of residents and their incomes.

The population of Jefferson Township is primarily Caucasian, with whites making up 61% and blacks making up the remainder. The area contains some small Hispanic and Asian populations. The gender ratio is roughly equal at 52% to 48%, with women making up most of the population. If you're looking for an apartment or a home, be prepared to pay a bit more than average.