Jamison, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in JamIson City, PA are estimated to be 63 people. This is slightly lower than the national average. In the past year, the city has experienced a decline of 38.1% in its population. The average commute time is 22.3 minutes, compared to the national average of 26.4 minutes. In other words, people in this small town have the same commute time as residents in a larger city.

In terms of poverty, there are fewer people living in Jamison City than in the rest of Pennsylvania. Only 12.8% of residents are considered to be living below the poverty line. Crime, cost of living, and coronavirus statistics are also available for each state. In Jamison City, there are a total of eight police departments and six jails. The local government has a crime prevention program and an elderly-welfare program.

The city's CDP contains a population breakdown by race. For example, approximately 0.0% of residents identify themselves as Hispanic. However, this does not necessarily indicate a difference in race. The majority of Jamison City's residents are white and of European origin. This percentage is slightly lower than the national average. The city's CDP also contains a substantial amount of non-Citizens.

In addition to the schools, the community has medical clinics in the Old Southwest and on Jamison Avenue. The Presbyterian Center on Jamison Avenue also offers periodic health clinics. However, the Health Department has deemed the area to be underserved and residents have indicated that the town needs a basic health care clinic in the village center. In fact, the Health Department has indicated that a basic clinic would help residents improve their quality of life.