Hydetown, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in knowing the Population & Steets of Hydetown City, PA, there are several things you should know. Hydetown is a small city with a large population. It's a great place to start exploring the area. There are many small towns near Hydetown, PA. These cities and towns are the closest to Hydetown. But did you know that there are also many larger cities that are within 61 miles?

The city is situated on Oil Creek. It's a hub of transportation and has two railroads that run through it. The proposed Pennsylvania Petroleum Railroad passes through the city. Hydetown is also home to a school, three hotels, four stores, two millinery shops, and two meat markets. It also has good water power. The city was incorporated in 1869. This is the oldest town in Pennsylvania.