Hyde Park, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Hyce Park City, Utah survey asked residents what they valued about the city and how it affected their well-being. It also analyzed the city's economic development. While most residents in Hyde Park viewed population growth as just right, only one-fourth of residents felt it was too fast or too slow. The Utah League of Cities and Towns partnered with the study to conduct the survey. Casey Trout, Rachel Sagers, Madison Fjeldsted, Jordan Hammon, and Sarah Wilson all contributed to the survey.

The survey asked residents to rank the issue that most affected them. Most people chose air quality, transportation, and roads. About 48 people checked "other," which means other concerns. Hyde Park City has a zoning that allows for single-family homes. This means that the neighborhood is not too dense for residents. But if more people move in, the city could face a shortage of affordable housing.

The survey also asked participants about their level of community action and connection in Hyde Park. They were asked on a 5-point scale ranging from "not at all" to "a lot." The average score for community action and connection was 3.12.