Hopwood, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A quick look at the population of Hopwood, PA reveals some interesting facts. The majority of residents commute to work by car or truck. The area is largely land-based and few people walk to work. The median household income is $52,426. For every 1,000 people in the city, more than one is unemployed. In fact, only 6% of the population walks to work each day.

The population of Hopwood City, PA is around 2,000 people, and is home to a larger percentage of retirees than the national average. The median age of the community is over 44, and 66% own their home. Renters save about $3,300 each year on housing costs. This means that the average income in Hopwood, PA is slightly higher than the national average. And, while there are several things to consider before you buy a home in Hopwood, Pennsylvania, you may want to think about renting.

The city's median property value is $158,600, which is 0.659 times smaller than the national average. There are 2,043 households in Hopwood, and the median home value is $158,600. The homeownership rate is 71.6%, and residents own their homes. In Hopwood, PA, the median household has three cars. There are zero Hispanics living in Hopwood, PA.