Hopeland, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The city of Hopeland is home to approximately 4,500 people. This population number is higher than the average for the state of Minnesota. Hopeland has a high unemployment rate. The median age for marriage in Hopeland is 35-44. The most common race for married couples in Hopeland is white. The most common age for single men and women is 35-44. Non-citizens of Hopeland include legal permanent residents, temporary workers, international students, and illegal immigrants.

There are three major cities within 42 miles of Hopeland City, MD. The closest big city is Baltimore, Maryland. If you want to visit nearby cities, you can do so by typing the nearest airport. Small towns may be close to Hopeland City, MD, but the big cities have more amenities and larger populations. If you want to get to Hopeland Acres from another city, check out the major airports nearby.