Hooversville, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know the Population & Steets of Hooversville City? You're not alone. This Pennsylvania city has a total population of 589 people. The average commute time is about 24.2 minutes. The median home value is $66,200, and the home appreciation over the last ten years is 3.8%. You can find out more about Hooversville, PA by using the tools below.

According to the ESRI and Census Bureau, there are 335 households in Hooversville City. Twenty-seven percent of these households were headed by married couples; ten percent of these households were headed by a single person. Forty-four percent of all households were headed by individuals; 17.9% were headed by a senior citizen. The average family size is 2.97 people, with two adults living in each household.

A crime map can show you where in Hooversville city you're most likely to encounter crimes. The crime map will outline areas with higher crime rates, while safer neighborhoods will show lower crime rates. You can also look at the crime heat map, which can provide you with information on total crimes by block group. In Hooversville, the overall crime rate is B-, which means it is safer than the state average. In fact, there's only one police officer for every ten thousand residents.

The median household income in Hooversville, PA is $40,500. This is below the median income of $65,712 in the United States. However, there are several things to consider before choosing a neighborhood in Hooversville, PA. The median household income is $40,500, which is lower than the state and neighboring areas. It also makes Hooversville, PA a better place to live if you want to make a good living.