Honey Grove, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are planning to move to the city of Honey Grove, TX, then you might be wondering about its population and steets. To find out this information, read on. Population & Steets in Honey Grove City can be a useful guide when you are looking for housing in the area. In the table below, you will find the population & steets of Honey Grove City.

The percentage of residents in Honey Grove with an undergraduate degree is 81.1%, and the percentage of workers with a graduate or professional degree is 5.1%. The majority of residents speak English at home, but 12.9% of people speak Spanish. In Honey Grove, TX, 0.3% of households speak an Indo-European or Asian language. While these figures may seem low, they are indicative of the quality of life for the people living in the city.

The median property value in Honey Grove, TX is $77,900, which is slightly less than the state's average of $65,712 per person. Most residents live alone, and most commute for at least 19.4 minutes. The median car ownership in Honey Grove is two vehicles per household. Considering these statistics, the city of Honey Grove, TX has a surprisingly low poverty rate.

In terms of age distribution, foreign-born and native-born residents of Honey Grove, TX were roughly similar. The median age of both native-born and foreign-born residents was 37, while native-born residents were on average around 52. The median rent in Honey Grove was $683. Residents of Honey Grove, TX had broadband Internet access in 64.0% of households. If you're looking to move to this town, consider these facts: