Honesdale, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you've ever wondered how many people live in Honesdale City, Pennsylvania, you're not alone. The City is the largest in Pennsylvania, but the population is even larger in Honesdale! Its population is approximately 18,3% larger than the population of Pennsylvania as a whole. Read on to learn more about Honesdale's residents. Listed below are some key statistics about the city.

Downtown Honesdale is a major commercial center, featuring over 200 businesses. Another 20 law firms are located off Main Street in upper-story locations. In addition, there are med/ac offices, a pottery store, and a store for kitchen utensils. The Downtown area has become a center for commerce, but it could use more retail options. While downtown Honesdale has plenty to offer, there's still room for improvement.

Renters are an important part of the local economy. Approximately 15% of residents rent their homes, but many more own second homes in the area. During the vacation season, this means over 46,000 visitors to the area. Most are from New York and New Jersey, and spend double the amount of money than locals do. This is good news for businesses located on Main Street. Despite the high number of vacationers, the city's renter-occupied housing units are not high compared to other Pennsylvania cities.

Another benefit of owning a home in Honesdale is that it offers excellent schools, an abundance of employment opportunities, and a diverse culture. The county government is a major employer in the city. With over 350 employees, downtown Honesdale must provide for the needs of the County. The local Wayne Memorial Health System also has several clinics and outpatient service locations in downtown Honesdale.