Hilltown, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

To find out the population and steets of Hilltown City, Pennsylvania, you must use the U.S. Census Bureau. This organization provides population and steets data for cities, towns, and counties in the United States. You can also search for cities located within 30 miles of Hilltown City. This information will help you plan your visit to the area. Below is a list of nearby towns and cities.

The residents of Hilltowns share a New England demographic profile. The area's economy is based on farming, small manufacturing, timber works, cottage industries, and other productive enterprises. Education and health care are important priorities. Hilltowns range in population from 500 to 2,000 people, and they have their own unique characteristics and priorities. To learn more about Hilltown City, explore its population, steets, and more.

The Hilltown Census Town is responsible for administering three78 houses in the area. The town supplies basic necessities, authorizes road building within its boundaries, and collects taxes on properties within its jurisdiction. CDC programs are available to help small businesses grow and thrive. Hilltown City has three CDC programs: a small business assistance program, a county-wide program, and a regional economic development collaborative called Western Mass Means Business.

The population of Hilltown City is listed as 2,293 people in the 2011 census, and 1,109 residents are males and 1,184 females. The population has grown by a half since the previous census, which was conducted by Census India. However, there is a large gap between the number of people living in Hilltown City and its actual population. In addition, there is still room for improvement.