Hillsville, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Interested in knowing more about the Population & Steets in Hillsvile City, VA? If so, continue reading to find out about the most common demographics. According to the American Community Survey, Hillsville is home to a diverse group of people. Although there are a handful of ethnic groups represented in Hillsville, the majority of residents speak English. The area's population is also made up of both White and Black individuals.

While Hillsville, VA is a relatively small city, it is home to a diverse population. Ninety-six percent of residents are U.S. citizens, and the median property value is $112,400. Homeownership is also fairly high at 46.3%, and most people commute by car. The average commute time is 22.4 minutes, and nearly one-third of residents own a vehicle. Hillsville is home to approximately 2.66k residents, and 4.03% of the population is foreign-born.

Historic attractions in Hillsville include the New River and Crooked Road. In 2004, Hillsville joined the nine-county Heritage Music Trail and became part of a tourism initiative. It is also the birthplace of traditional Appalachian music, with local bands like the Stonemans and Carter Family gaining popularity. Additionally, Hillsville is a designated Preserve America community. This designation recognizes the city for its historical significance and natural beauty.

The population and steets of Hillsville City are listed below. It is the county seat of Carroll County, which is located in south-west Virginia. The area is home to more than 2,600 people, and it is surrounded by local businesses, including local banks and the Carroll News office. Its historic downtown consists of several brick buildings, including the county courthouse. The population estimates for Hillsville City are listed below.