Hendersonville, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in knowing the Population & Steets in Hendersonvile City? Whether you're new to the area or a native, this mid-sized city is located in far western North Carolina. Located near the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, this city's climate is pleasant during the warmer months of September, June, and May. Winter weather is mild, and spring weather is comfortable, with lows in the low 70s. Average rainfall is 44.5 inches per year, and October has just 3.4 inches of rain.

The median age of all Hendersonville residents was 40.3 years old in 2019, with a slightly higher rate among foreign-born residents than among native-born citizens. As a result, the population is getting older, although still younger than the national average. Foreign-born residents of Hendersonville, TN were most likely to have been born in Mexico, with 90080 people originating from that country. The next most common foreign-born countries in the city were India and Guatemala, with each country contributing 14,922 residents.

Downtown Hendersonville's main street corridor had fallen on hard times in the late 1970s, as several department stores closed down and the increase in traffic caused safety concerns for pedestrians. In response, city leaders adopted a serpentine-shaped traffic calming plan. During the process, Hendersonville city leaders gathered input from downtown business owners and community members in order to create a cohesive design for the area.