Hazelwood, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When looking for a new place to live, consider the Population & Steets in Hazewood City. This mid-sized city is home to a diverse population. The majority of the population is white, with about 35% black or African American. Approximately 21 percent of the population is Hispanic. In addition, the city has several popular activities and attractions, such as a NASCAR speed track, St. Louis Mills, Bigfoot 4 x 4, and the St. Louis Mills.

When it comes to livability, Hazelwood, MO has an excellent rating. It ranks #85 in Missouri and #2,814 in the United States. This score puts Hazelwood, Missouri ahead of over 90% of all cities in the US. The city has high marks in cost of living, amenities, and housing, but does not fare as well in employment. However, its housing costs are significantly higher than its neighboring cities.

The East Hazelwood Park is a large public space 0.8 acres in size and is a part of the county park system. Additional benches would be helpful in promoting use of the park. The Riverbank should also have an improved footpath along the river. Debris and undergrowth should also be cleared. Adding more benches along the river bank would improve the public's access to the river.