Hawk Run, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in Hawk run City is a snapshot of the demographic makeup of the city. As of 2020, Hawk Run, PA has a median home value of $59,900, which is 0.261 times smaller than the national average of $229,800. Additionally, most residents drive alone to work, with a median commute time of 24.9 minutes.

Hawk Run, PA has a large population of Vietnam veterans. Males earn an average of $54,196, compared to the average female income of $34,368. Income inequality is relatively low in Hawk Run, PA at 0.466. With that said, you can see the demographics of Hawk Run by looking at the numbers and making an informed decision on where to spend your time.

The median age for residents of Hawk Run, PA is 34.3 years old. The median household income is $46,156. The percentage of residents born outside the country is 0%. The most common racial group in Hawk Run is White (Non-Hispanic), followed by Hispanic and Black or African American.

The highest-paying jobs in Hawk Run, PA are in the service, arts, and management fields. These sectors account for a majority of jobs in Hawk Run, PA.