Hartstown, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're curious about the population and steets of Hartstown City, Pennsylvania, you're not alone. There are several other cities in Pennsylvania with similar population numbers. Here are the biggest cities in the area and their surrounding areas. These are the closest to Hartstown. Read on to learn more about Hartstown. The population of Hartstown is about 4000.

The median household income in Hartstown is $54,167, compared to $65,712 nationally. Of these people, 20 live in households headed by a single parent, and the same is true for single mothers. The highest-paying occupations in Hartstown are in the manufacturing and sales industry. For those working in this field, the median salary is $40417. Those in the service industry make the least.

In Hartstown, PA, the per capita income was $17,972 in 2018. This is lower than the state's average but still well above the national average. For a family of four, this translates into $71,888. Residents of Hartstown are of many races, but most of them are White and of German descent. Most residents speak English and German/Yiddish. There are also 6 foreign-born residents in the area.