Harrison City, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following table gives you an overview of the Population & Steets in Harrison State, Pennsylvania. These numbers are based on the 2000 Census, and they represent a decline from 69 people in 1999 to 38 people in 2019. The chart below shows how the percentage of households in Harrison State use one of these modes to get to work: walking, driving, or taking public transit. It also shows the percentage of households that used each of these methods over time.

Downtown Harrison and West-Harrison-Silver Lake feature mainly two-family houses and other low-scale garden apartments. The downtown area is home to seven private country clubs, including St. Vincent's Hospital, a 43-acre private mental health facility. Other local institutions include Manhattanville College and State University of New York at Purchase. The SUNY campus includes the Newburger Museum and Performing Arts Center.

The Town is located in the eastern part of Westchester County. It is approximately 23 miles north of New York City. It shares borders with the City of White Plains, which is the county seat. The neighboring cities include the City of North Castle, the Town of Rye, and the Village of Mamaroneck. The Town is located in a valley with a typical northern climate. The average January temperature is 31 degrees Fahrenheit, while the summer temperature is seventy-seven degrees.

The median age in the city is 34.7 years. Twenty-four percent of residents were under the age of 18, while 9.9% of households were headed by a female. The remaining population is comprised of single-person households and families. Forty-one percent of households were non-families. One-person households made up 20.6% of households, and eight percent were headed by an older person.