Harmonsburg, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for the population and steets of Harmonsburg, PA? If so, you've come to the right place. You can view the population and steets of Harmonsburg, PA below. The city is home to 318 residents and is growing by 44.9% over the next decade. In Harmonsburg, PA, the median home price is $67,100. Over the past ten years, the median home appreciation was 0.8%.

While many cities around the United States have similar racial breakdowns, Harmonsburg has a relatively low percentage of people identifying as African American. However, a higher percentage of people identify as white. A recent census found that 56.2% of the population is white. Another 35.9% are black. The remaining 2.6% are Hispanic or other. The city's population was also split by racial makeup. While most of the residents are white, nearly half are black.

The following map shows the percentage of theft per 1,000 residents. While this number may appear inflated in parts of the city with few retail businesses, it's not. Because of this, the red areas of the theft rate map don't always indicate high crime rates for residents. They can simply be areas with higher crime rates. If you don't live in Harmonsburg, you can still explore the area to discover more of the area.

HARMONSBURG is located in the town of Crawford, Pennsylvania. Its population was 401 at the 2010 census, compared to 356 in 2000. It was never a major city, with only about 160 people living in the village's proper area. There are two early cheese factories and a log grist and sawmill a half mile south. You'll find both of these locations on this map.