Harleysville, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below is a quick look at the Population & Steets in Harleyville City, Pennsylvania. For more detailed information, you can visit the city's official website. In addition to the official city statistics, this page includes maps, demographic data, and more. The diversity index measures the diversity of residents in Harleysville, Pennsylvania. In general, a higher diversity score means more ethnically diverse neighborhoods.

As a percentage of the population, the southwest part of Harleysville, PA has the lowest violent crime rate, while the east has the highest. However, violent crime rates may be inflated in these areas because a majority of criminal activity occurs in retail areas. However, this does not mean the crime rate in the southwest part of the city is dangerous. If you want to see more statistics on crime in Harleysville, you can check out its demographics.

The population of Harleysville is 61,693 people, making it the city's largest municipality. The city has a small business district, with two breweries and a coffee shop. Its population is divided between businesses, with a median income of $46,867. While many local businesses and schools offer a variety of employment opportunities, none are headquartered in Harleysville.

The city of Harleysville is located in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. The ZIP Code for Harleysville is 19438, 19441. This area is home to several ZIP Codes. The USPS uses the ZIP Code as the city's name. The ZIP Code is found below the postal code. The city's ZIP code gives you a general idea of its population. It is the second largest city in Pennsylvania. Its population is mostly middle-class.