Gratz, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You may be interested in knowing the Population & Steets in gratz city, PA. The population was 743 as of the 2020 census, and it was 765 in 2010. The city is located in the Harrisburg-Carlisle Metropolitan Statistical Area. For more information on Gratz, PA, visit Here you can find a complete list of its residents and how they break down by gender.

The Gratz, PA population is made up of 745 residents of all races. A significant number of these people are White (Non-Hispanic), followed by Asian (Non-Hispanic), and Hispanic and Latino. Only a small number of residents identify as Pacific Islander or American Indian or Alaska Native. The remaining 93% of residents are either of other races or speak a language other than English at home.

The Graz City area is home to the Fountain of Youth, which is a memorial to the late author James Lane Allen. The Fountain was built using proceeds from the author's will. The Gratz Park area is located near the historic Christ Church Cathedral at 166 Market Street. There are several historic homes and churches in Gratz Park that can be toured. You can also find out more about the city's international agreements.

There are eleven districts in Graz. The most important ones include St. Peter and GAPsting, which were once small villages. In addition to these, the city is surrounded by hilly regions. In the south, there are large districts such as Andritz, Puntigam, and Liebegau. In addition to its residential areas, Graz also boasts a large industrial area.