Granville, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You've probably wondered, what does Granville look like. The city is a beautiful and charming area, but what do you know about the people who live there? This article will provide you with some demographics for Granville, Ohio. You'll discover that the average age of its residents is 21.7, while the lowest percentage is for singles. Here, you can learn about the average household size and family size for the city.

The town of Granville is the capital of the state of Ohio and sits along the Scioto River. The most comfortable months for living in Granville are June, September, and August. January is the coldest month. The average temperature in Granville is 6 degrees Fahrenheit, so be prepared for a cold winter. If you plan on spending a lot of time in Granville, you'll want to visit during the warmer months.

The average racial and ethnicity in Granville is white. One-third of American citizens have never married. Veterans make up 11.8% of the civilian population. This percentage is lower than the national average of 7.5%. Only 6% of residents are Asian. In fact, the majority of Americans live in cities. And while Granville has a small population, there are a lot of foreign-born people.

In addition to the median household income, there are other factors that make a community economically stable. The percentage of residents who earn less than half of the median income is an indicator of the economic security of a community. The percentage of households with single-person households showed an increase. One-third of the households in Granville City were single-person households. This means that the city has more diverse economic conditions than ever before.