Grantham, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know more about the population of Grantham City, you can read this article. It will provide you with information on Grantham's population and steets. The population of Grantham is diversified and there are a variety of different racial groups in the city. Here are some of the races and ethnicities found in the city. Read more about the diversity of the city at the link below.

The population of Grantham City is approximately 2,966 people and there are 1,314 households in the city. The median home value is $284,759 and the average household size is 2.30. The population of Grantham is expected to grow by 15%. The gender ratio is 0.95 men to one female. Grantham also has a high school graduation rate of 87%. There are several factors to consider before deciding on a property.

Although the micropolitan area is young and thriving, it is aging more rapidly than many other towns. In 1990, only 19% of the population was over 65. By 2000, this number was 22%. In other words, Grantham is moving closer to becoming a retirement community. It may be a bellwether for other towns with similar development policies. However, this trend will continue in the city.