Glen Richey, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following are a few of the statistics you should know about the city of Glen Richey, Pennsylvania. The map of Glen Richey violent crime rates can help you determine whether the city is safe or not. It is important to remember that the city has few retail establishments, so many crimes are committed in blocks with fewer people. Nevertheless, red areas on the violent crime map do not necessarily mean that Glen Richey is a dangerous place to live.

The city's population is made up of 188 people, with forty-five percent of the population being under 20 years old. This figure includes the young people with children as well as adults. The city has a population of 151 people over the age of eighteen, with N/A races represented. In general, the population of Glen Richey is comprised of N/A races.

The city of Glen Richey is located in Clearfield County. The city has a ZIP code of 16837. It is part of the Clearfield County in Pennsylvania. Clearfield County is located in the Eastern Time Zone, which is UTC -5 hours. The city has an elevation of 164 feet. In addition, it is located in a minor civil division. The city's zip code is located at 485 feet.