Glen Mills, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Before you make your decision, you should know what the population of Glen Mills is. In the following paragraphs, you'll discover what the city's population looks like. In particular, you can see the percentage of residents that commute by car, train, or bus. You'll also learn about the number of people who live in Glen Mills and where the population of the city is concentrated.

The City of Glen Mills is located in Delaware County, Pennsylvania. Its population is approximately 13,740. Out of the total population, 4,545 are below the age of 20. Of that, 2,819 of them are male and 1,703 are female. The median age of residents is 35.1 years old. There are approximately 6,913 births and 5,886 deaths each year. The city's population breakdown by race is not yet fully determined, but there are currently 13,622 residents of one race or another.

Before making a decision to buy a home, it's important to consider the quality of life in the city. While some people prefer a walkable environment, others prefer a suburban area with good traffic flow. You should also consider the amenities available in the city. The city's bike score is only 11, which means that nearly all errands require a car. This means that the area may not be ideal for people who live there.

While the population of Glen Mills is small, you can enjoy the outdoors. The city has several parks in the area. Many local children love to spend time outdoors. Nearby Ridley Creek State Park has hiking trails and picnic areas. Whether you want to explore the history of the area or simply take a break from the world, Glen Mills has a lot to offer. You can even make your own unique plan and customize your vacation around it.